The Opening Night Excitation

To say my parents loved “The Big Bang Theory” isn’t the factor. The anomaly is, my husband and I had never watched an entire episode during its First Run. For eight years with every visit to our home Mom and Dad came with a new comparison of us to Leonard & Sheldon. Then they would plead with us to watch the show with them. And for eight years we never took them up.

Dad’s favorite drinking cup

During COVID lockdown, we finally decided to binge The Big Bang Theory. Thanks to HBOMax, we’ve watched 276 shows so far. I calculated the last show Mom & Dad most likely watched was the episode when Amy & Sheldon had their first Coital encounter. They missed out on the last 3 seasons, which included the Big wedding. My dad would have found Hamill officiating the wedding, fascinating and delighted in Shatner’s D&D stint in the final season.

Watching and laughing this past year, has been like having my parents here with us, sharing the laughs all over again! We have truly felt them every step of the way. I want these last three episodes to last forever. What was I thinking?! I can reset the universe and start all over again, with a Big Bang💥!

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