2 Broke G(uys)


September brings with it another Special Date in my Life, the Day I met Ezra. My story truly begins in the moment my Eyes first met His. I swear “Some Enchanted Evening” was playing that Night and I let the Enchantment Envelope me. This Eleventh will be our 18th year Together. We are family, we are Friends and we are Forever.


As with any relationship we have our ups and downs, our “for-betters” and “for-worsts”. The for-worsts have held Tight these last few years. We ended 2015 Scrapping Bottom. This year has rubbed us over the barnacles. So I’ve been thinking, These Tough Times have Lasted Long Enough.

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However, making those First Steps out of the dead low water are difficult, One day at a time. Ezra and I started our Relationship with only our Love for each other and the Passion to help the other Create. My glib gift of gab is gobbledygook compared to Ezra’s gift of Music.  It has taken hitting rock bottom for me to see that We are more than Two Broke Guys.


Broke Collage


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